After carving your Apple Head and letting it dry, you can add beads for eyes and paint it to give it more character. You can also use apple seeds, in the same way. For dolls that I sell, I make polymer clay eyes that are inserted in a similar way after the Apple Head has been painted and sealed, using glue behind the eye to secure it.
sharp knife, acrylic paint, paint brush, sealant, beads
Use a sharp knife to cut a tiny horizontal slit where each eye will be. Next, create a cavity by using the end of the paintbrush to make the slit more open and round.
Paint the inside of the cavity with white paint.
Insert a bead into the cavity. Use the end of the paintbrush to move the bead into position.
Apply a big glob of sealant to each eye to lock the beads in place.
Optional: use paint to change the color of the iris/bead. You can also use black paint to paint the inside of the bead/pupil.
Be Sure to see all of my other Apple Doll Tutorials
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